
Adult Education

Adult Education

Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful offers free adult education programming to businesses, neighborhood groups, faith-based organizations, private clubs, civic organizations, universities, and more. Programming is tailored to your group's needs in the form of workshops, presentations, lessons, & more.

Please review the programming we are currently offering adult groups below. Contact us for more information by using the request form below or by contacting our Community Education Specialist at or 419-213-2252.

Education Request Form

Adult Education Programming

We offer the following education programming to adult groups or organizations wishing to take action to improve our environmental wellbeing.

Correct Recycling Workshop

Confused about what is recyclable? Interested in learning ways to improve your recycling habits? Curious about how the recycling industry is doing locally and nationally? We can help! Get all of your questions answered by Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful in this presentation on how to recycle correctly here in Lucas County.

Living More Sustainably

What can we do to protect our planet and live more sustainably? What actions will have the most impact on climate change? Join Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful for a discussion about practical, everyday things we can all do to help protect people and the planet.

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